3/21 - Ordinariate Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston, during which Bishop Lopes will bless the Holy Oils for our parishes for this year (Oil of Catechumens or Oil of Salvation; Oil of the Infirm or Oil of the Sick; Sacred Chrism). Bishop Olson of the Diocese of Fort Worth will do the same for his diocese on Tuesday of Holy Week, 3/26.
3/24 - Palm Sunday; we will have palms available at all Masses, though the large procession can only be done once, and will start the 11:30 Mass. There is Religious Education at 10 am between Masses.
3/25 - Monday of Holy Week: Mass at 7 am, Confessions 9-11, 12:30-1:30, and 4-5.
3/26 - Tuesday of Holy Week: Mass at 7 am, Confessions 9-11, 12:30-1:30, and 5-6:30 (Evening Prayer starting at 6:30)
3/27 - Spy Wednesday (the day Judas betrayed Christ to the Pharisees): Mass at 7 am, Confessions 9-11, Mass at noon, Confessions 12:30-1:30, and 4-5
3/28 - Holy / Maundy Thursday: Confessions 9-11, 12-1:30, 4-5; Mass of the Lord's Supper at 6 pm
3/29 - Good Friday: Confessions 9-11, 12-2; Service of the Cross at 3 pm
3/30 - Holy Saturday: Blessing of Easter Meals at 10 am; Easter Vigil at 9:30 pm (begins in complete dark with the vigil fire outside)
3/31 - Easter Sunday: Masses at 7, 8:30, and 11:30
The parish office will be closed all of Holy Week (no appointments), but lots of extra confession time, so GO TO CONFESSION.